The secret that experts have hidden: competing through domain names

The secret that experts have hidden: competing through domain names

The secret that experts have hidden: competing through domain names

The secret that experts have hidden: competing through domain names. Today, I reveal a secret that many who claim expertise in SEO have hidden. It requires time, effort, and patience. Based on personal experiences, I share this article containing a key secret that many overlook. While some might know it, most ignore its importance. This secret is one of the most powerful methods to gain visitors from search engines: choosing a domain name similar to a well-known global company or popular website. Full details will be explained.

The secret that experts have hidden: competing through domain names

As you know, Google prioritizes major websites and global companies in search results because they meet all the criteria for appearing at the top, with well-known brands and teams working 24/7. This leaves smaller websites lower in the rankings. However, by thinking strategically, smaller sites can still appear behind these major sites by providing specific, sought-after information. For example, users often search for terms like “How to create a Facebook account” or “Sports Facebook page,” providing opportunities for smaller sites to attract traffic with relevant content.

What do you think about competing with these keywords? The method may seem simple, but as I mentioned before, it’s one of the experts’ biggest secrets that they hide so no one competes with them. Now, it’s time to reveal this secret.

Domain Names Requirements

  • Purchase a domain name similar to a major company or website
  • Write tutorials and content specifically about the large site, like Facebook tutorials
  • Do not remove the site name next to the topics”

Purchase a domain name similar to a major company or website

The first step here, after ensuring the site is not penalized, is to purchase a domain similar to a well-known company’s domain. For example, ‘facebooksa’ could be very valuable in Saudi Arabia and extend to other countries. Google might prioritize your site just behind Facebook in search results. My advice is to register a brand new domain that hasn’t been used before to leverage this strategy.

Writing tutorials and content specifically related to the major site

As I mentioned, Google prioritizes your appearance in searches for keywords related to Facebook, but this requires consistent effort. You need to create unique, original content about everything related to Facebook, such as tutorials, apps, and games. This will help attract visitors from Google search, as users may look for topics like ‘how to register on Facebook’ and might not find the specific format they need on Facebook itself. Therefore, they will visit other sites, like yours, to get the detailed information they seek.

Do not remove the site name next to the topics

Some people search for ways to remove the site name from search results next to topics. However, if you want to apply this method professionally and 100%, I recommend not removing the site name from search results. One of the factors that will contribute to Google’s prioritization of your content is the presence of the name “Facebook” in the topic title. For instance, using a site name like “Saudi Facebook” can be beneficial.

Motasem Hanani

Motasem Hanani

مطور مواقع، مصمم، ممنتج وكاتب محتوى. اسعى الى تغذية المحتوى العربي التطويري والثقافي في كل ما هو حصري ومفيد بعيداً عن النقل العشوائي والبرامج القديمه التالفة.